The new year is here, and that means everyone is tackling their resolutions...hopefully.
The team here at HIFIVE is ready to take the charge into 2021 head-on, together.

Mitch Earll
Account Analyst
If you're currently leading a team or trying to build a team to accomplish a future project, this blog is for you. Goals are the fuel of inspiration - something that we are able to set our sights on that helps drive us towards the end of the mission, or objective. When it comes to achieving goals, people sometimes forget nothing that is truly worth going after comes easily. Tough times don’t last, tough people do. Rome wasn’t built in a day and all of those other cheesy adages that are supposed to give clarity and motivate people.
The truth is, what you’re trying to build or accomplish is most likely going to take time. Depending on the boxes you need to check to make your goals happen, it could seem like quite a daunting task. When thinking about setting goals for a company or business, there are two types of goals that come to mind: team goals and individual goals.
Why You Should Set Team Goals
Increased Collaboration
Team goals, believe it or not, force employees to develop a structure for working together on the current and future projects at hand. At our annual retreat in November of 2020, the HIFIVE team got together and brainstormed ideas, and created goals to work towards for the new year. Through this, we have created new workflow processes that have increased productivity through collaboration at every step of our process.
Higher Risk - Higher Reward
Normally, the team goals you are setting tend to be aimed towards the bigger projects you have in your scope. Typically, the forward progress or completion of these bigger projects creates more value for the company than smaller-scale projects. You need to understand the goal you are trying to achieve at a wider level before you can start dissecting it into smaller, more attainable goals. Just like the famous Einstein quote, “if you can’t explain something simply, you don’t understand it well enough” - if you feel like you can’t explain your end goal in a simple sentence, maybe you need to revisit what it is you’re really trying to accomplish.
Why You Should Set Individual Goals
Greater Accountability
No one likes being called out for doing a half-assed job. There is nowhere to run or hide from your responsibilities when individual goals are set. From this, a greater sense of accountability is created for the employee. This is also a good catalyst for personal growth and company culture in the workplace.
Increased Personal Interest
Setting individual goals are important because they prevent your employee’s ideas or direction from falling through the cracks, or getting lost in the noise of big picture projects. Giving your employees individual responsibilities is a huge value add for your company. Generally, people tend to invest themselves more completely in goals that are set specifically for them, rather than broader goals that are aimed towards an entire team. These types of goals give your employees a real sense of worth in their roles at the organization.
The Importance of Setting Both Types
The beauty of being part of a team, like HIFIVE, is that individual goals or tasks really aren't yours alone. Sure, everyone has certain strengths that lend better to specific functions in the office, but sometimes you could find yourself lacking inspiration and being open to suggestions from someone you would least expect a good idea from could provide you with just the spark you needed to crush that assignment out of the park.
At the end of the day, both individual and team goals are important to crack the code of success. The clearer your goals are, the more excited you become about achieving them because you understand what you are trying to obtain so well.
Now – Let's Get This Bread.